“Unless you push yourself, you will never go any farther than where you are.”
Rachel Juliette Clancy
Rachel Juliette Robinet was born on July 17, 1927 in Sandwich Town, Ontario. The Robinet Family was known for their wine, and had a winery in Sandwich from 1897 until it was bought out in 1935. She was the youngest of 7 children in the household. She had 2 sisters and 4 brothers. Growing up, most children in the area went to Catholic school that was taught by nuns. It was the only education that was available in the area. At only 12 years old Rachel watched as her siblings started to leave her one by one. Her brothers left to fight in the war, while her sisters went away to further their education. At that time there weren't very many opportunities for women in the career field. They could work in a factory, or if they were lucky enough to be able to afford an education, they could go to school and get into the profession of being a teacher or a nurse. Rachel loved being able to help people and decided to go into a career of nursing. She worked as a nurse until she fell in love and married a man by the name of Robert Clancy. She moved to The United States where she started a family and had 4 children. She ended her career as a nurse in order to stay home and take care of her children while her husband worked. In 2013 her husband sadly passed away after over 50 years of marriage. While the loss was exceptionally hard for Rachel, she knew that daily life must continue. “I don't figure I’ve done anything great in my life. I’ve raised children, and I think I gave them a fair life, and I wish my life with Bob would have been longer, but it wasn't meant to be. You live accordingly, and you take whatever’s given to you”.